03 661 4747

Stag Skydiving

He is about to take the plunge, so why wouldn’t the Stag be a daredevil and jump out of a plane and freefall to the ground at speeds of over 200km/h. If he was nervous about walking down the aisle, he will be quaking in his boots when he skydives from 15,000 feet!

It’s an adventure a Stag can definitely tick off his bucket list!


If the Stag is nervous about making the jump, he needn’t worry too much – he’ll have an expert strapped to his back to keep him safe. And, when he does land safely on the ground, he’ll be met with a round of applause and cheers from his best mates, who will take him out to the pub afterward for some much-needed beers. It’s a thrill-seeking adventure he will never forget.


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Reasons Why You'll Enjoy A Stag Skydiving Experience

  • Transport to the location where you’ll make the jump
  • All safety equipment
  • Experienced instructors who will accompany you on your jump

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