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Jared Jeffery

06 Sep, 2023, 10:52 am

Stag dos are a wild, rowdy, booze-filled, fun adventure. But to ensure side-splitting hilarity, why not use the stag party to send off the groom-to-be in style – by embarrassing him to no end? We’ve devised some Wickedly naughty stag party pranks that will leave the stag red-faced. Be sure to capture these hilarious moments on camera so that you can remind the stag time and time again how much fun you had humiliating him. It will be a party he won’t forget, that’s for sure!



Make him wear a mankini! 

stag in mankini

It’s definitely not a clothing garment that any man wants to be spotted in, but for the stag, he’ll have no choice when he finds all of his clothes have “suddenly” disappeared, and all that is left is the horrendously awful novelty swimsuit. We suggest going all the way and ensuring he has the Borat neon green one.


Give him a new hair ‘do

haircut stag

He’s so close to the big day, and he’s probably been preening his luscious locks, but that’s when the stag group come in to help him on his quest to look like the perfect groom. You have two options here: either shave his head or dye it in the most ridiculous colour you can find. Obviously, this must be done when he’s passed out blind drunk – and we’re sure he’ll be thrilled when he wakes up the following day and looks in the mirror… said no one ever!


He suddenly has an “accident”

As per the idea above, this idea must be carefully planned to ensure the stag is passed out from drinking all day and night. Having a hangover, the next morning is the least of his problems when he wakes up to find his leg in a cast after he “apparently” broke it during his late-night antics. Get creative when putting the plaster on his leg, guys, and go ahead and add some embarrassing signage to it while you’re at it.


Take some inspiration from the ‘Hangover’ movie

fake tattoo

Remember when Stu woke up in Bangkok with a tattoo on his face that resembled Mike Tyson’s in the hit movie Hangover Part II? Well, why not replicate that infamous scene for your stag? Once he’s asleep, get creative. Obviously, you’re not going to really tattoo his face; use a fake tattoo kit, and if he showers enough, it should come off in no time at all.


And even more ‘Hangover’ inspiration…

Stag Party Pranks (2)

Poor Stu had quite the time during the epic adventures with the boys in the Hangover movie franchise. Remember in the first movie when he married an escort during his blackout session? Well, you guys can organise that for your stag, too, by hiring a fake stripper bride! She’ll have marriage certificates and a wedding ring to prove she and the stag married the night before. You can imagine his panic until she reveals her identity and starts stripping. The look on his face before knowing the truth is priceless.


He gets “kidnapped”

kidnap-the-stag prank

This is something the stag will never forget. It appears that the stag may have been up to mischief, and word has gotten out. Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door, and two sexy women dressed in police outfits burst in, armed with blindfolds and handcuffs and take the stag away to a destination unknown. What could possibly be in store for the stag?


But wait… there are even more ideas to embarrass the stag! You can tape him to a tree, a streetlight, or any other public place you see fitting for his humiliation. You can attach a sex toy to a water bottle and put it in his carry-on luggage or make him busk in public until he’s earned enough money to pay for his first beer. The options are endless, so get creative and have fun at the stag’s expense!

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