03 661 4747

Jared Jeffery

20 Oct, 2020, 2:41 am


stag party

It’s a four-letter word that isn’t used lightly, so when someone does whip it out – you know it’s the real deal.  Obviously, the word we’re talking about is STAG, and we’re really not kidding when we say stag parties are serious business. These events come in more shapes and sizes than the ladies you’ve been with, and just like your dating history, stag dos are pretty wild too. 

Now the groom has bestowed you with the greatest honour any man can give a friend by asking you to be his best man; it’s your job to line it all up. Sounds pretty easy, right? That’s where you’re very wrong my friend. Organising a stag party that is worthy of a place in the history books is much tougher than it sounds, especially when you’ve got a diverse mix of dudes to keep happy. 

But there are a few things that will keep any stag party running smoothly, and help avert any potential dramas before they arise. After plenty of years in the business, we’ve got five must-have stag supplies that are the secret ingredients to an epic shindig.

Top 5 Must-Have Stag Party Supplies 


What’s a party without a little fun? Fancy dress is an awesome way to kick start the party spirit, take the mickey out of the soon-to-be-groom and gather some useful content for your best man speech on the big day. 

We reckon the best parties are the ones with a theme, where everyone comes dressed in character. The opportunities here are practically endless. We’re talking Disney, cross-dressing, Hollywood, beach, When I grow up, 90s… you get the picture. 

Hiring a costume ain’t always cheap, but thankfully you’ve got a wardrobe full of terrible clothes to pick between (seriously, why did no one tell you that the green striped pants were not a good look). Whether you’re going around the corner or jetting off to the other side of the world, your bag isn’t packed unless you’ve got a costume ready to go.


Everyone has seen The Hangover. The Hollywood blockbuster is practically a bible when it comes to throwing an off-the-chart stag party. Some scenes are a little more whacky than others, but there is one thing that remains pretty constant throughout the movie – drinks. The alcoholic kind, of course. 

Having an adequate supply of drinks is an absolute priority for every stag-do. Even if you’re planning on hitting the town and bar-hopping your way through the night, it’s always great to have at least a few bevvies on hand for before you go out. 

If you really want to step it up a notch, it’s always a blast to get a hold of some spirits and try your hand at cocktail making. And if mixing and shaking really isn’t your thing, why not hire a professional to do it for you? Wicked Stag has a line-up of drop-dead gorgeous topless barmaids practically begging to keep you all hydrated.

Battery pack charger 

So you’ve wrapped up an action-packed day of activities with the boys, started sinking a few bevvies and now it’s time to call an Uber and make your way to the bar. But then, FLAT BATTERY. 

While we’re on our phones pretty much 24/7, it seems like they always let us down when we need them most. Save yourself the headache of having to delay your departure until your phone charges by packing a battery pack charger. 

These portable devices are practically a god-send and will keep you charged up when you need it most. With the peace of mind that you can reach your mates when you need to, you’ve got the perfect excuse to go just a little bit extra wild tonight.


They say what happens at a stag party should stay at a stag party, but no one mentioned anything about taking photos? If you’re the best man, it’s practically your responsibility to capture the soon-to-be-groom at his absolute wildest and ensure that you’ve got plenty of killer stuff to add into your wedding speech. 

Whether it’s your phone or a small camera, bring it along for the night and you’ll have stacks of memories to remember this special night for years to come. 

Playing cards

We’re not suggesting that you throw an Alice in Wonderland themed stag party (although, we do hear these events go down a treat with the ladies), but playing cards are still an absolute must-have supply for every stag do. 

A true party aficionado would know that the potential uses for playing crowds quite literally never ends. You can whip out your deck at pre-drinking to amp up the vibe with a few drinking games. Playing cards are also a great way to chill out in the arvo, after a huge day out with the lads. And if nothing else, you’ve got something to use as a coaster for your beer.

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